Market Insight Report: UK Retail | Xenia Broking

The UK retail industry is facing an environment where margins are becoming increasingly under pressure from rising costs, reduced pricing power and a desired need to invest in technology. Our latest Retail report focuses on this poignant sector, composing reference to an array of key factors on the credit risk radar with analysis of current market data and commentary to assist. It suggests areas of the supply chain to monitor, companies to monitor, ways that will assist the credit risk process and trade, as well as identify gateways for growth.
Xenia’s Market Insight reports are designed to work alongside a credit insurance programme. The purpose of this report is to provide you with objective and practical information that will help to advance your understanding of the issues and how they might impact your business.
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We welcome your thoughts and questions on the issues covered. Please email us on should you require any further advice or have questions about this report.