Meet the Team: Michele Horner

Welcome to our Meet the Team where we take a minute to catch up with our colleagues and uncover the people behind the policies. Read on to find out more about Michele our Director of Client Services in the North East.
Full name:
Michele Horner
Job title:
Director of Client Services (North East)
How long you’ve worked at Xenia?
Since Dec 2015
How did you get into the insurance sector?
I saw an advert in the newspaper and decided to apply, yes it was that long ago that agents still advertised in newspapers.
What do you do at Xenia and what does your typical day look like?
I look after a portfolio of clients varying from large multinationals to small to medium-sized businesses. I also look after some new business as well as being involved in training of new starters here at Xenia. I also have joint responsibility for running the Halifax office. No two days are ever the same, and each day brings new experiences and challenges.
What do you like about Xenia/Why do you like working for Xenia?
Xenia is one big family of like-minded people. We all have really good knowledge and experience in our market, which is evident in our excellent client retention rates.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
I enjoy helping people, so seeing people grow from knowing nothing about credit insurance and being able to work independently, is a great reward. I also find it very rewarding being able to negotiate good terms and limits for my clients.
What's the strangest / funniest / most memorable thing you’ve had to do in your current role?
I think that would have to be the most recent Xenia Christmas party - which was a 70’s theme - was interesting having conversations with a shark one minute and David Bowie the next!
Tell us something most people don't know about you/what's your hidden talent?
I used to sing in the Rock Choir and absolutely loved it, unfortunately, I don’t have the time at the moment. But I really enjoyed performing at a Leeds Rhino’s game and a Christmas event that was shown on the BBC’s The One Show in 2013.
What job would you be doing if you weren't doing this one?
I always wanted to be a teacher but somehow landed up in credit insurance.
A piece of advice you'd give your younger self?
Believe in yourself more, as you can do more than you think you can.
What would you say to a young person who wants to get into insurance?
It is a great industry to work in, from both a work and social aspect, it is so niche and most people know each other.
Who's your greatest hero or heroine and why?
Princess Diana – I love her care and compassion for people, regardless of who they were or where they came from, and the fact that she wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she felt was important/right.
What do you do to relax?
I enjoy reading, going for walks in the countryside, baking is one of my passions, which I find is a great stress reliever.
Michele’s top tip as a Director of Client Services:
Always make sure that your credit limit is on the right entity, or you won’t have a claim, when things go wrong.
To find out more about the people behind Xenia head over to last month’s Coffee Club Corner episode with our colleague Debbie Palmer.